Welcome to The BioMedEng Association
The Association of Biomedical Engineers, Medical Engineers and Bioengineers (BioMedEng Association) represents a remarkably broad field of multidisciplinary activity that uses engineering tools and techniques to solve problems arising in biology and medicine. The Association is a registered charity (RCN 1191005) and currently has approximately 1500 members from academia, industry and healthcare.
The organisation has held the annual UK bioengineering conference for over ten years. These meetings have grown to become the UK’s largest gathering of Biomedical Engineers, Medical Engineers and Bioengineers. Our next conference, BioMedEng25, will take place at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow from 4th – 5th September 2025.
We also have a dedicated website for Early Career Researchers from across all parts of the association (academic, industry, and wider stakeholders).
Members can join the Association from Industry, Academic Institutions and Research Centres, Clinical Establishments and Hospitals, and Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations. We are pleased to offer reduced membership costs for UK students. We actively welcome new members to help to create an active and vibrant multidisciplinary community supporting research and education in biomedical engineering. Click here to join the BioMedEng Association
We have a range of sponsorship options available for companies: Click here to find out more about sponsorship of the Association