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Past Conferences


Date: 5th – 6th September 2024

Venue: Queen Mary University of London

Chair: Prof Zion Tse

Visit the BioMedEng24 Conference website for more details


Date: 14th – 15th September 2023

Venue: Swansea University (Swansea Arena)

Chair: Dr Raoul van Loon

Co-Chair: Dr Hari Arora

Visit the BioMedEng23 Conference website for more details


Date: 8th – 9th September 2022

Venue: University College London

Chair: Professor Vanessa Diaz (UCL Mechanical Engineering)

Co-Chair: Professor Rui Loureiro (UCL Aspire CREATe)

Visit the BioMedEng22 Conference website for more details


Date: 6th – 7th September 2021

Venue: University of Sheffield

Chair: Professor Gwen Reilly

Plenary Speakers:

  1. Professor Nancy L. Allbritton
  2. Professor Andrew Taylor
  3. Mr Thierry Marchal
  4. Professor Philip Conaghan

Schedule (180kB PDF) | Summary (401kB PDF) | Proceedings (9MB PDF)


Date: 5-6 Sept 2019

Venue: Imperial College London

Chair: Prof Anthony Bull

Plenary Speakers:

  1. Professor Lionel Tarassenko CBE FREng FmedSci, University of Oxford
  2. Dr Timothy Padera Harvard Medical School
  3. Professor Ilse Jonkers, KU Leuven University
  4. Dr David Hughes, CEO, CN Bio Innovation.

Schedule (713kB PDF) | Summary (2.57MB PDF) | Proceedings (25MB PDF)


Date: 6-7th Sept 2018

Venue: Imperial College London

Chair: Prof Peter Weinberg

Plenary Speakers:

  1. Prof Kyriacos Athanasiou – University of California
  2. Dr Geraldine Hamilton – Emulate, Inc
  3. Prof Hanjoong Jo – Georgia Tech and Emory University
  4. Prof Jon Cooper – University of Glasgow.

Schedule (722kB PDF) | Summary (2.54MB PDF) | Proceedings (14MB PDF)

MEIBioeng17 with MPEC2017

Date: 13-14th Sept 2017

Venue: Kings College London – Sandown Park Racecourse

Chair: Prof Stephen Keevil

Plenary Speakers:

  1. Prof Josef Käs – University of Leipzig
  2. Prof Marco Viceconti – University of Sheffield
  3. Prof Azzam Taktak – Royal Liverpool NHS Trust
  4. Prof Gareth Barnes – UCL Centre for Neuroimaging
  5. Prof Steve Williams – King’s College London.


Date: 5-6th Sept 2016

Venue: Oxford University – Keble College

Chair: Prof Alison Noble

Plenary Speakers:

  1. Prof Andrew Zisserman – University of Oxford
  2. Prof Mark Woodward – The George Association
  3. Prof Sue Dopson – University of Oxford.


Date: 7-8th Sept 2015

Venue: Leeds University

Chair: Prof John Fisher

Plenary Speakers:

  1. Prof Anthony Hollander – University of Liverpool
  2. Sir Alex Markham – University of Leeds.


Date: 10-11th Sept 2014

Venue: Imperial College London

Chair: Prof Anthony Bull

Plenary Speakers:

  1. Prof Dominique Durand – Case Western Reserve Univeristy
  2. Prof Paul Davies – Arizona State University.


Date: 16-17th Sept 2013

Venue: Strathclyde University

Chair: Prof Terry Gourlay

Plenary Speakers:

  1. Prof Jim Courtney – University of Strathclyde
  2. Prof Peter Weinberg – Imperial College London


Date: 6-7th Sept 2012

Venue: Oxford University – Said Business School

Chair: Prof Nic Smith

Plenary Speakers:

  1. Prof Marco Viceconti – University of Sheffield
  2. Prof Peter Hunter – University of Auckland.


Date: 12-13th Sept 2011

Venue: Queen Mary University London

Chair: Prof Wen Wang

Plenary Speaker:

  1. Prof Viola Vogel – ETH Zürich

Bioengineering10 with MPEC

Date: 15-16th Sept 2010

Venue: Univesity of Nottingham

Chair: Prof Jon Cooper

Plenary Speakers:

  1. Lord Ara Darzi – Imperial College London
  2. Prof Tony Wilson – Oxford University
  3. Prof Richard Syms – Imperial College London
  4. Prof Guillaume Charras – University College London
  5. Prof Ioan Notingher – University of Nottingham
  6. Prof Alicia El Haj – University of Keele


Date: 24 – 25th Sept 2009

Venue: Oxford University

Chair: Prof Yiannis Ventikos


Date: 18-19th Sept 2008

Venue: Imperial College London

Chair: Prof C. Ross Ethier

Plenary Speakers:

  1. Prof Christian Amatore – ENS Paris
  2. Prof Roger Kamm – MIT
  3. Prof Gero Miesenböck – Oxford University
  4. Prof Ron Weiss – Princeton University